Ok, after more than 3 years from conception to completion, I was really, really reluctant to let this one go. However the time had to come sometime. I love all my pieces and I'd get nowhere just hording all of them. They were meant to be seen and I hope this one finds an uber loving home!.. Personal Collection More info and Work in Progress pictures can be viewed at Dragon Eye Reflection of Creation !
Thanks for the visit!.. :) p.s. Since posting this I changed my mind and decided I was going to continue keeping this piece in my private collection. Who knows maybe I'll let it go when I'm old n grey.. :)
This piece evolved from a modeled study of the chair. Modeled studies focus attention on the feeling of weight of the subject, and I tried to develop this thought process further by getting the viewer to perceive the weight/manner of the departed subject, from foorprints left behind alone...
AboutHiya, Welcome to my Fresh Art ( formally Small Art Pieces ) blog which was created exclusively as an easy reference for all of you who are looking for original works of art you simply love for your home or office! Upcoming Events & ExhibitionsFine Art Pieces Available by Category! . .
July 2023