Hidy ho guys! So I got out and got some sun for once, which took all of 15 paces from my door.. haha!! Now I kid, I'm not that bad with the sun thing (not that hard in sunny Malaysia!), this was however a first in a long time at doing an en plein air painting, and the weather sure was ideal!.. Loved how this gesture drawing turned out! SOLD Thanks for dropping by guys!.. :)
p.s Pardon the French! Been trying to incorporate it more in to my everyday speech/writing to strengthen my grasp of the language.. :D
Had fun painting this lil piece using a minimal Zorn palette of Yellow Ocher, Cadmium Red, Ivory Black & Titanium White!.. SOLD
AboutHiya, Welcome to my Fresh Art ( formally Small Art Pieces ) blog which was created exclusively as an easy reference for all of you who are looking for original works of art you simply love for your home or office! Upcoming Events & ExhibitionsFine Art Pieces Available by Category! . .
July 2023