Hidy ho guys!,.. This one sold before I got a chance to post it here.. Loved how this gesture turned out too!.. As an aside update, I'm currently working on adding some of my best prints to the website, so keep your eyes peeled for that coming soon!.. A few of my other latest available studies... Thanks for dropping by!.. :)
Hiya guys!! So it's the new year ay! and it looks to be probably quite a challenging one for many who may find their livelihoods disrupted by the accelerating AI revolution.. Like many I am excited by many of the positive possibilities it could open up for mankind, though cautious of the way it may be rolled out.. Like any powerful technology if not ethically implemented with wisdom, may prove to benefit the few alone, furthering an already deepening inequality in the long run.. The ease of producing amazing works of art and literature without the tedium of the creative journey that mankind has always had to grapple with, raises concerns of the collective dulling of human consciousness, for the difficult, messy and often times long journey of the creative process is where deep conscious growth lies. The endeavor itself rather than the end result is often where man has found true meaning.. the difficult, messy and often times long journey of the creative process is where deep conscious growth lies. The endeavor itself rather than the end result is often where man has found true meaning.. This will be quite lost when a constant flow of ready made art and literature will be produced with a few simple phrases and a touch of a button. One could not fault many ( especially the young, yet to have experienced the richness of the journey, still budding in skill and eager to manifest the plethora of ideas dancing in their minds), from skipping the tedium for quick and exciting results. Humans now playing the roll of an art director or commissioner alone, while AI will be so advanced as to, in essence, be the actual artist rather than just a tool.. What will be lost to the human psyche with this simple elimination of the creative process?.. No doubt many, anticipating the negative effects this might pose, will shield their young and still inculcate the creative process in their minds.. What segments of society might be left out of this forethought though? Much like one hears of Silicon Valley reticent of exposing their own younglings to the distractions of the very tech they themselves stream out for the wider public to consume with ever more addictive enhancing algorithms, so too may this be the case for the AI revolution, where we may find much of society engulfed in this new, possibly mind altering technology, before understanding its consequences to human cognition.. In my humble opinion, a revolution of this magnitude to the whole of mankind cannot be left to be implemented by the few with monied interests... A revolution of this magnitude to the whole of mankind cannot be left to be implemented by the few with monied interests... These are just a few of the thoughts that have been swirling in my mind about a revolution I had imagined to be years (if not decades) away, rather than just months.. What are your thoughts?... Meanwhile here are a few of my latest sketchy studies available for collection.. Ta dear friends and Happy New Year!!!.. :D p.s. All my writings and art are created 100% Without AI assistance. ( This disclaimer will seemingly need to be a thing from now on looks like ;) ) Hiya folks! Another gestural sketch off the drawing easel ! Really found the composition of this piece quite appealing, despite the hair reaching right to the edge of the space, it somehow gives a dynamic yet still balanced feel to the piece.. Thanks for dropping by!
Ta for now guys!.. :)
Took a bit for me ol' noggin to wrap it's head around all the completely new technical concepts involved to film and edit it ( I haven't even scratched the surface) , however I hope you will enjoy this first attempt! Please do like it, and subscribe to my very own new Youtube channel Jacqueline Gomez' Art if you do!
Thank you for dropping by! :D
New gesture drawing from one of my practice sessions (2D source). As usual this piece has been mounted on archival Japanese Rice paper to reinforce the papers strength, this time however I decided to have the rice paper over lap the newsprint by about a 0.5 cm as I thought it looks rather nice that way.. Available now in my Etsy store.. :) SOLD Thanks for dropping by! :D
So I went a diving in to my old store of holiday pics from the bygone days when I went anywhere at all, and found some snapshots taken on a trip to Tioman Island.. Their beaches are the stuff of paradise, as are many of our beautiful seaside destinations here. The sand as fine as caster sugar and water so crystal clear, one could almost forget the degradation and pollution that would probably have shown up if not for the resorts careful maintenance. Painted alla prima.... ![]() .... and another gesture drawing... :) Hidy ho guys! So I got out and got some sun for once, which took all of 15 paces from my door.. haha!! Now I kid, I'm not that bad with the sun thing (not that hard in sunny Malaysia!), this was however a first in a long time at doing an en plein air painting, and the weather sure was ideal!.. Loved how this gesture drawing turned out! SOLD Thanks for dropping by guys!.. :)
p.s Pardon the French! Been trying to incorporate it more in to my everyday speech/writing to strengthen my grasp of the language.. :D These are a few gestures from one of my drawing practice sessions I thought would look awesome as a set together. They could either be hung together or separately to create a harmonious cohesiveness to a living space.
Each was created with charcoal pencil on newsprint mounted on Japanese archival rice paper and measure 8.5 x 11.5 Inches each. Thought I'd add a few of my latest gestures to my shop!.. These were all drawn with Derwent Charcoal Pencil on Newsprint during various practice sessions. :) |
AboutHiya, Welcome to my Fresh Art ( formally Small Art Pieces ) blog which was created exclusively as an easy reference for all of you who are looking for original works of art you simply love for your home or office! Upcoming Events & ExhibitionsFine Art Pieces Available by Category! . .
July 2023